Rediscovering 人类 value in enterprises in times of crisis

6월 02, 2020

The Place of the Human in today’s challenging business situation

突如其来的健康危机改变了我们的生活,将我们所有人推向了一个新的现实. 在这个瞬息万变的环境中,“史无前例”一词几乎失去了意义, 企业和消费者都在不断努力适应新形势. 在一夜之间, 许多员工被要求停止进入办公室或采取不同寻常的社交距离措施.

同时, we’ve been forced to adapt and change the way that we interact with colleagues, 业务合作伙伴, friends and family members too.

Adapting at an incredible pace

几乎很快, 员工可以在家工作的公司打开了远程工作的大门. 组织已经迅速采取一切可能的措施来确保人们能够保持联系, 非常高效。, and available from a distance. 企业迅速发现了远程服务顾客和客户的新方法,试图保持在我们的职业和个人生活中如此重要的人际联系.

Unfortunately, the situation hasn’t been business as usual. 自从封锁以来, we’ve all been forced to adapt at an incredible pace, and many of us have never been more 非常高效。. 起初,许多企业的重点是找到一种快速保持运营的方法. 在那之后, 公司开始意识到需要把“人”重新放在故事的中心.

几乎立即, 社会距离和隔离促使企业和消费者都做出了利他行为. We’ve all jumped into this mindset of being 在一起. To move forward, we’ll need to keep our focus on preserving 人类 relationships.

Collaboration and 沟通 tools in the 云 have revealed their true value during this difficult time, not just as a tool for preserving business operations, 但是作为一种帮助 人类 商业弹性.

How 是 companies responding to this new landscape?

With collaboration and 沟通 tools to help them, 公司已经远程联合起来,以前所未有的方式交付目标和完成目标. We’re all working together to ensure that this landscape succeeds, because we all have a common enemy to overcome.

举个例子, 下面是阿尔卡特朗讯企业版如何在这个新环境中运行的各种示例, 多亏了 阿尔卡特-朗讯彩虹™, our 云-based 沟通s and collaboration solution:






一直以来, 高层管理人员和领导们都很投入,时刻掌握着公司的脉搏. 来自不同职能和背景的员工正在学习如何在一个偏远的环境中更顺利地运作, using the tools that 是 available on the 云.

Will attitudes about remote working continue to evolve?

过去的几个月证明了人类精神的持久性和弹性, and the ability of employees to remain 非常高效。. 许多企业已经开始意识到远程工作可以像让人们来办公室一样高效.

订阅了彩虹的公司告诉我们,他们发现了一些新的角色,他们以前没有意识到这些角色可以远程完成. In the “return to business” period we 是  entering, 这些公司正在寻找通过保持团队成员远程办公和降低办公开销来削减成本的方法. They 是 in the middle of a significant mindset change towards remote working.

展望未来, the way companies will embrace remote working will depend on their situation, and the individuals involved. Not everyone has had the same positive experience with working remotely, and some people will struggle with this “新常态”. 企业需要花时间规划如何在未来继续提供远程工作, 但我们预计未来几个月在家工作的人数将会增加.

Is the demand for 云 沟通s increasing?

在过去的几个月里,彩虹的订阅数量以惊人的速度增长. 和, 随着决策者亲眼看到正确的云计算技术的成功,这一数字将继续增加. Business leaders 是 discovering that 多亏了 the right, highly secured 云 collaboration and 沟通 services, they can work better and faster than they ever dreamed possible, all without having a physical office.

这次危机比历史上任何其他事件都更能揭示……的重要性 沟通 and collaboration between people in a company to maintain business continuity. Now that we’re evolving beyond our immediate response to this dramatic situation, 重要的是,所有组织都要继续使用他们所学到的经验教训,作为持久竞争优势的来源.


没有人确切知道在这个阶段未来会怎样,也不知道企业需要多长时间才能恢复. However, one thing is for sure – in any situation or crisis, 通信关键. 今天, 在克服过去几个月禁闭的不利影响和在与我们过去所熟悉的环境不同的环境中茁壮成长方面,通信仍然至关重要.

企业可能会主要关注能帮助他们向前发展的工具和技术. This could include increasing investments in 云 solutions, adding AI to support teams, and automating specific paths. 这完全取决于这些公司相信什么能帮助他们在节省成本的同时更好地服务客户.

从这次经历中得到的重要教训是,人与人之间的联系将永远是任何业务的关键组成部分. 最重要的是, 确保人们在危机时刻能够继续沟通和协作有助于确保业务的连续性. 如果我们能保持 沟通, then we can learn how to adapt to almost any situation.




现任阿尔卡特朗讯企业云和通信项目营销总监, Isabelle has many years of experience in IT, 云, 电信, 数字营销, channel marketing and project management. Before this role as a Program Marketing Director for Services, 她为ALE服务和专业服务事业部提供营销支持. 之前的其他职位包括法国和国外的营销和传播总监和渠道营销总监.

Isabelle is passionate about new technologies. 加上她在IT火狐体育手机不同市场职位的国际工作经验, Cloud and Communications sectors, 她喜欢就市场和火狐体育手机趋势交换意见,并讨论企业面临的挑战. 她在复杂的国际B2B环境中建立和维持客户关系方面也有丰富的经验.

Isabelle holds a Multimedia Project Manager degree from 巴黎的IIM (Institut of the Internet and Multimedia), and a degree in Administration, Economics and Social studies from the University of Brest.


2013-10-16 16:48:16


a man and a woman looking at a laptop

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